veltrahez: Gimsøy Church
kingArthur_aus: The Bamboos
Ibolya Mester: Under the street lamp / Az utcai lámpa alatt
cwshields: candle and lamp
Uviéu: Girokastër, Albania.
Paul D Hunter: Chips BW
The original SimonB: The Glass House (Formerly Sage) 3
Cashea Photography: Mountain Road
Cashea Photography: Dark Moss Path
Cashea Photography: Forest Gloom
Feinblick: Häuser auf Hügeln
HermannFalkner/sokol: gww 25er-Bim
Denis Moynihan: Leaning Towards Lambay
Cornelis -traveller: Floriani Church
fabio_nardelli: Self-timer
Maddalena Malfara: Self-Portrait
liattbaifosafsn: looking out the window
liattbaifosafsn: coy kneeling
matthew.lapointe76: ICE II.001