The Library of Congress: Happy 9th Birthday, Flickr Commons! (LOC)
jon-e: My Buddy
Badison: SF '17 - Women's March-29
capwell: Lot 1C - Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Speedway, IN
lacomj: Photographing the Photographer
YUGODROM: 1983 jul
Trey Ratcliff: The Azure Blue Indoor Pool at Hearst Castle
bre pettis: Me and myself as brebot. Redundancy!
Tatyana Kildisheva: Strokkur, a second before the geyser erupts
thinklem: PixelVGA Overview
Teone!: Isola di Loreto
The Library of Congress: Farmer and sons walking in the face of a dust storm. Cimarron County, Oklahoma (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Seabright -- Wreck of life saving station (LOC)
Dan Nguyen @ New York City: Fourth of July fireworks show in New York City
anyaventura: The life of humans
anyaventura: Carte Chronographique
Dan Nguyen @ New York City: Lightning strikes the Empire State Building
bre pettis: Orange Robotic Arm at Fabricate 2011
whymcycles: Whymcycle's homemade German Wheel."Rhonrad" for wheel gymnastics
Veronica Belmont: Bre at the MakerBot booth
National Science and Media Museum: Baby elephant at the zoo One Tree Hill under The Plough
dcuartielles: Diego wears the 2006 vintage Arduino t-shirt
cgc0202: Cupid and Psyche (Amor e Psique): Antonio Canova: Louvre
Sebastià Giralt: Venus Genetrix (de Frejus)
Gembledine: Aphrodite