In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Two King Penguins Absorbing the Day Subantarctic Macquarie Island Australia
Bill Higham: Devil's Point - Glen Dee - Scotland
Bill Higham: Lochnagar
Bill Higham: Kirkjufell - Iceland
Bill Higham: Puffin - Fratercula arctica - Iceland
Bill Higham: Greetings from the Isle of Tiree - Scotland
Bill Higham: Rocks of Solitude III - Edzell - Scotland
Kath Salier: Narooma
WildImages: Rockhopper Penguins charging from colony to sea IMG_3068
Callan Back: The Apple Shed, Tasmania
Anne.Berger: on the dike (explore)
Tammy Schild: New Life
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
TassieEye: Frog exploring
TassieEye: Dawn palette 15 January
TassieEye: Tasmanian backyard
into the w i l d: Through the window.
Brigitte Lorenz: flamenco.......
Kath Salier: S.S. Ayrefield
nauticalnancy: Shades of Grey
Kath Salier: Coxs River - NSW, Australia
hlambrose: In the Chili Plant
hlambrose: Wombat on the move
hlambrose: Baby Donkey
hlambrose: Hiking