Sun Spiral: Round the bend
Sun Spiral: Waterfall
Sun Spiral: profile
Sun Spiral: red flash
Sun Spiral: jungle
Sun Spiral: They'll drive a photographer insane"
Sun Spiral: Cairns birdwing butterfly
Sun Spiral: cannonball
Sun Spiral: Wee willy wagtail
Sun Spiral: Tree fern
Sun Spiral: And then I sez to him, I sez 'Harold - for the last time my name's not Polly'
Sun Spiral: Millaa Millaa
Sun Spiral: Red, Green, Blue
Sun Spiral: St Marys by the Sea
Sun Spiral: The oncoming storm
Sun Spiral: Orange butterfly
Sun Spiral: Fading glory
Sun Spiral: Random art around Kuranda
Sun Spiral: Kuranda railway station
Sun Spiral: CRaZy caTerpillaR
Sun Spiral: In the jungle
Sun Spiral: The unchanged Millaa Millaa cliché shot
Sun Spiral: Yungaburra facades
Sun Spiral: Queensland dingo
Sun Spiral: Three wise men
Sun Spiral: prehistoric
Sun Spiral: eee-mooo
Sun Spiral: tumbling
Sun Spiral: Sugar cane in flower