Trevor Dobson:
Milky Way at Lake Dowerin, Western Australia
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ:
Die Schlücht kurz vor Gurtweil
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Wasserfall Töss 2, Affenschlucht
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Eisskulpturen am Bach
Wayne Pinkston:
The Lagoon
Wayne Pinkston:
Panorama of the Totem Pole
wild is the wind - tiempo de soledad, relato
Wayne Pinkston:
Bell Tower
Robert Brienza:
The house on the hill
Dougie Edmond:
Proving that birds cant read !!
Eric Gofreed:
Lone tree Llyn padarn, Llanberris Wales.
Wayne Pinkston:
Alabama Hills
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ:
Sonnenuntergang am Rhein
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Spiegelung in Pfütze
Rhyothemis fuliginosa (stack focusing) Olympus TG-5 チョウトンボ(深度合成) オリンパスTG-5
David Marriott - Sydney:
Stars and fire || Zenith Beach
David Marriott - Sydney:
Longneck Lagoon || Sydney