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albums of mickeyono2005
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"YOKO ONO'S CUT PIECE (1964)" Performed by John Noga, August 29, 2007
Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE / IMAGíNATE LA PAZ" billboards in San Antonio, Texas, Sep - Oct, '07
"YOKO ONO: IMAGINE PEACE Featuring John & Yoko's Year of Peace" at UTSA Art Gallery / Department of Art and Art History, The University of Texas at San Antonio, September 26 - October 28, 2007
Yoko Ono's Twitter / Facebook messages on Lamar's digital billboards in Youngstown, Niles & North Lima, Ohio, May 2010
Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" billboard and button at the McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown State University, on June 26, 2009
"ADVERTISING BY ARTISTS" by Art Metropole, February 2007 - April 2008, featuring Yoko Ono's advertisement art
"Art and Artists" December, 1967, featuring "letters" ('67) and "London Winter Orgasm Game" ('67) by Yoko Ono
"Art and Artists" August, 1966, "AUTO DESTRUCTIVE" issue, featuring Yoko Ono
Yoko Ono's advertisements in "Art and Artists", October, November, December, 1966
"Agency: Art and Advertisement" at McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio, September 19 – November 8, 2008
Yoko Ono's "yes" buttons for McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown University, Youngstown, Ohio, March 2011
"touch me" by Yoko Ono at Galerie Lelong, New York City, New York, April 18 - May 31, '08
"BIG SHOTS ANDY WARHOL POLAROIDS OF CELEBRITIES" at Danziger Projects, NYC, NY, from January 8 - February 26, 2011
"POSTERMAT" at The Hole, NYC, December 18, 2010 - January 15, 2011
"IMAGING THE APPLE" at AC Institute [Direct Chapel], NYC, from March 25 - May 1, 2010
"Compassion" at The Institute of Art, Religion, and Social Justice, November 19 - January 14, 2010
“The Visible Vagina” at Francis M. Naumann Fine Art & David Nolan Gallery, NYC, January 28 – March 20, 2010
"Marcel Duchamp The Art of Chess" at Francis M. Naumann Fine Art, New York City, NY, Sep 10 - Oct 20, '09
John Lennon & Yoko Ono's "WAR IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT" ad on Yellow cabs in New York City, January, 2010
"GREEN SEEN Mail Art" December 21 - March 21, 2010, Wendell Free Library, Wendell, Massachusetts
"PROMISE" ('09) by Yoko Ono for "Autism Awareness" and "Autism Speaks"
"Can It!!! Vipp 70th Anniversary Charity Auction To Benefit DIFFA: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS" in DWR, SoHo, NYC on Oct 28, '09
"Vipp 70th Anniversary Charity Auction" Vipp pedal bins at DWR: TOOLS FOR LIVING, SoHo, NYC, 10/21/09
"YOKO ONO: IMAGINE PEACE" at JEMA, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, October 6 - January 3, 2010
"WORLDWIDE MOMENT" at Southeast Gallery of Photographic Art, Vero Beach, Florida, December 1 - 29, 2009
"NO MUSIC, NO LIFE?" campaign by TOWER RECORDS in Japan, featuring Yoko Ono, December 2008
Japanese monthly magazine, "月刊 風とロック GEKKAN KAZE TO ROCK" November 2008, featuring Yoko Ono
"FASHION AGAINST AIDS" campaign by H&M and Designers Against AIDS (DAA), including Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" T-shirts, May 2009
"FLOAT" at Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island, NY, August 29 - 30, '09, including Yoko Ono's "SOPRANO PIECE FOR SOCRATES SCULPTURE PARK"
Yoko Ono's "Bell of Peace 平和の鐘", "Riverbed 三途の川" and "Wish Tree for Towada 念願の木" at Towada Art Center 十和田市現代美術館, Towada, Aomori, Japan, August '09
"SKY TV for HOKKAIDO 北海道のためのSKY TV, 2005" by Yoko Ono at 十勝千年の森 Tokachi Millennium Forest, Shimizu, Hokkaido, August, '09
Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" billboard in Houston, Texas, September - October, 2006
Yoko Ono's "Wish Tree for Tokyo 東京のウイッシュ・ツリー(願かけの木)" at 東京都現代美術館 Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), August 2009
Yoko Ono's Japanese single "夢をもとう YUME O MOTO (LET'S HAVE A DREAM)" ('74)
"Reflecting Transformation" at NO LONGER EMPTY, New York City, July 30 - September 26, 2009
"WHITE NOISE" at James Cohan Gallery, New York City, June 18 - August 12, '09
"YOUR GOLD TEETH II" at Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York City, New York, June 19 - August 14, 2009
GuitarMania "Imagine Peace" by Yoko Ono at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Cleveland, Ohio
"Making A Home: Japanese Contemporary Artists in New York" at Japan Society, NYC, Oct 5, '07 - Jan 13, '08
"WOMEN FORWARD" at Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, NYC, April 2009
"101 DRESSES", ARTSPACE, untitled (space) gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, May 10 - June 23, 2007
Yoko Ono with "PROMISE" at the 2nd Annual World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), April 2, 2009, United Nations, NYC, NY
Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" billboard in Youngstown, Ohio, July 7, 2007 for "YOKO ONO IMAGINE PEACE Featuring John & Yoko's Year of Peace" at the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio
Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" billboard in Akron, July & August, '07 for "YOKO ONO IMAGINE PEACE Featuring John & Yoko's Year of Peace" at the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio
"YOKO ONO IMAGINE PEACE Featuring John & Yoko's Year of Peace" at the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, July 6 - September 9, 2007
"Listen, The Snow Is Falling" - John & Yoko's "WAR IS OVER!" & Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" banners in Times Square, NYC, January 30, '09
"Snow Falls Silent" - Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" banner at 6th & K Streets, Washington, DC, on January 27, '09
"PERFORMA 07 A Spoken Word Exhibition" at the Swiss Institute Contemporary Art, NYC, from November 1 to 7, 2007
"FLY' by Yoko Ono at the Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland, 9/19 - 10/26/2008
"Sky TV for New York" by Yoko Ono at Asia Society, New York City
"Yokohama Triennale 2008 Time Crevasse", Sep 13 - Nov 30, '08, Yokohama, Japan
"Wish Tree for Tokyo" by Yoko Ono at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT), Tokyo, Japan, 12-9-08
The 11th Annual "Postcards From The Edge" by Visual AIDS at Metro Pictures, NYC, January 9 & 10, 2009
John & Yoko's "WAR IS OVER!" & Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" banners in Times Square, NYC, January '09
Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" banner at 6th & K Streets, NW, DC, January 2009
Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" billboard in Canton, Ohio, December 2008
John Lennon & Yoko Ono's "WAR IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT" banner in Greenwich Village, New York, August 2006
"Asian American Modern Art Shifting Currents 1900 - 1970" at de Young Museum, November '08
"Into The Atomic Sunshine - Post-War Art under Japanese Peace Constitution Article 9" at Puffin Room, NYC, January 12, '08
Yoko Ono's film "FLY" screening at Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, CA, 11-06-08
"ONOCHORD" by Yoko Ono at One Colorado Courtyard, November 6, '08
"Wish Tree for Pasadena" by Yoko Ono at One Colorado Courtyard, November 6, 2008
"Akasaka Art Flower 08" Yoko Ono's art at Akasaka Hikawa Jinja, Tokyo, Japan, September 10 - October 13, '08
John Lennon & Yoko Ono's "WAR IS OVER!" billboard in Niles, Ohio - September 2008
"Close Encounters - Facing the Future" + "Ex It" by Yoko Ono at American University Museum
"Wish Tree for Pasadena" by Yoko Ono at One Colorado Courtyard, August 2, 2008
Yoko Ono's "IMAGINE PEACE" billboard in White Deer, PA 9/10/08