The Jay Spot: The Heroin Kingpin
Hoffmann Bodo: Kampf im Gondwana
Hoffmann Bodo: Insel Poel - Blick aufs Meer
cjk49: Banded Demoiselle Damselfly on Hairy St John's-wort.
Cindy Croissant: Crested Caracara
Cindy Croissant: Peregrine falcon off to find the next meal for her eyasses
Cindy Croissant: Mother wood duck and her ducklings
Cindy Croissant: Flame Skimmer dragonfly
andreas_fery: Bluthänfling - Linnet
andreas_fery: Grünschenkel -Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia)
andreas_fery: Dunkelwasserläufer - Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Barn Swallow (URN: 2708)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Sanderling (URN: 2736)
Deanne Wildsmith: Southern hawker dragonfly
Deanne Wildsmith: Wood pigeon
Deanne Wildsmith: Speckled wood butterfly
hendrickx karel: DSCF3831 IJsvogel (Alcedo atthis )
Sue Milks (off and on for a while): Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle arcticus) - 20240712-11
Sue Milks (off and on for a while): White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis perpulchra) - 20240323-07
Sue Milks (off and on for a while): White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus phoenicurus) - 20240323-05
Sue Milks (off and on for a while): Barred Owl (Strix varia varia) - 20240813-03
Sue Milks (off and on for a while): American White Admiral (Limenitis arthemis arthemis) - 20240730-05
Sue Milks (off and on for a while): Band-winged Meadowhawk (Sympetrum semicinctum) - 20240813-02
Linda Yuson: Happy birthday ...
Linda Yuson: Nature's morning kiss on the world ..
waewduan4: Waterlily ( Explored # 32, Aug. 3 ,2024 )
waewduan4: Fishing Boats ( Explored# 69 , Jul. 6 , 2024 )
Lance BB: Azure Kingfisher Looking Up (Explore)
Lance BB: The Wine Casks (Explore)