Michelle Eaton: Beach Girl - Charcoal Sketch
Michelle Eaton: Mixed Media - Can You Feel It
Michelle Eaton: Mermaide on the Ocean Floor
Michelle Eaton: Unfold - Graphite Sketch
Michelle Eaton: Drifting - Graphite Sketch
Michelle Eaton: Worn - Graphite Sketch
Michelle Eaton: Princess - Graphite Sketch
Michelle Eaton: Aboriginal Boy - Graphite Sketch
Michelle Eaton: Tiffany - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: Raggedy girls
Michelle Eaton: Patty - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: Leticia - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: Ivy - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: Claire - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: Chloe - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: Billy - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: April - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: Apple - Raggedy Doll
Michelle Eaton: Take the Journey - mixed media painting
Michelle Eaton: Spread Your Wings - mixed media painting
Michelle Eaton: Silent Thoughts - mixed media painting
Michelle Eaton: Ready for the Ball - mixed media painting
Michelle Eaton: Blessed - mixed media painting
Michelle Eaton: Believe the Unbelievable - mixed media painting
Michelle Eaton: Beauty in Everything - mixed media painting
Michelle Eaton: Beautiful Day - mixed media painting