drmama: The new President
drmama: The Presidential motorcade to the Swearing-In Ceremony
drmama: Crowds at the Purple Gate
drmama: Cuddly cow and pig
drmama: MLK day at the Museum of American History
drmama: Getting ready for the big day
drmama: MLK day at the Capitol -- about 24 hours until the big show
drmama: Maze at the Castle
drmama: Spidey kiss
drmama: Size 10 bowler
drmama: Happy New Year!
drmama: Waveboy in Florida
drmama: The boys on the beach
drmama: Running on the beach
drmama: Shark teeth
drmama: Velcro superhero
drmama: Egeskov Castle
drmama: Egeskov Castle Roof Tiles
drmama: Trophy Room At Egeskov
drmama: Ribe Cathedral
drmama: Denmark
drmama: Denmark
drmama: Door Handle At Ribe Cathedral
drmama: h O tel
drmama: Approaching storm
drmama: Approaching storm
drmama: Fishing Boat Near Hanstholm
drmama: Tractor on the beach near Hanstholm
drmama: Tractor on the beach near Hanstholm
drmama: Ferry to Mørs