micmol : Private Rooms
micmol : Love and Volvo
micmol : don't wake me up
micmol : smoking kills
micmol : chickens coop are ready for the season
micmol : over there is still sunset
micmol : hello VW Beetle
micmol : dusk over the Verrazano Bridge while stuck in traffic
micmol : that's the D train
micmol : abstract pollution
micmol : hiding in Winthrop St
micmol : two water tanks
micmol : what's going on in Union Sq.
micmol : plastic sheets on barbed wire
micmol : half-timbered houses reflection
micmol : passerelle in sunset
micmol : Crossing
micmol : yellow fence
micmol : shut down
micmol : lost in his thoughts
micmol : a thousand lives