micmol : Apuane Alps at sunset
micmol : wind blown
micmol : opening
micmol : cleared patch
micmol : light on the pond
micmol : dried pond
micmol : sunset over bush
micmol : pond reality
micmol : right past sunset
micmol : forest road
micmol : moss and pond
micmol : right after sunset
micmol : frost being melted by the morning sun
micmol : foggy horizon
micmol : clouds reflection
micmol : morning light
micmol : wetland
micmol : about to be spring
micmol : light coming in
micmol : agave in sunset light
micmol : Winter at the seaside
micmol : the first walker of the year
micmol : foggy morning in the forest
micmol : Finally some blue sky
micmol : I had a vision, almost
micmol : silent forest
micmol : in the forest
micmol : Sunset and yucca flowers
micmol : A Pond in the Forest
micmol : walk in the forest