Alex Noriega.: Nature's Gift
Don Komarechka: Snowflake 942
Ed.Stockard: Bonding
Ed.Stockard: Natures Composting
liang_li photos: Perseid meteor shower
tellytomtelly: _DSC5938-aa
tellytomtelly: _DSC5950-aa
tellytomtelly: _DSC5996-aa
Don Komarechka: Pathway to the Galaxy
tellytomtelly: _DSC6054-aa
Laura Jacobsen: Misty morning. Snow Lake
Noshitthereiwas: stevens pass
jlcummins: Honey Bee on Milkweed Blossom
Ethan A. Winning: Castilleja - Indian Paintbrush - Mt. Rainier 0952
jlcummins: Fritillaria affinis, checker lily
jlcummins: Green-banded mariposa lily, Calochortus macrocarpus
jlcummins: Chamerion angustifolium, Fireweed
jlcummins: Agastache urticifolia, Nettleleaf horsemint
jlcummins: Geum triflorum, Prairie smoke
jlcummins: Frasera speciosa, Monument Plant
jlcummins: Chokecherry, Prunus virginiana
Laura Jacobsen: Gully glow
agibbsphoto: Scotlands Finest
Ed.Stockard: Webbed Feet for Flying
Erwin Buske Photography: Clouds Float in My Eyes
Laura Jacobsen: Gap in the clouds
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Plongeon huard - Common loon - Gavia immer