d o w n s t r e a m: Mount Apis Mellifera
mathewingram: Remains of the day #sunset #kayakdate
Thomas Hawk: Oh Richard Where Art Thou
flashlight: This is @interpretivist and the rest of the funk band Do Mar, down at Ashbridges Bay in Toronto last month.
flashlight: Sunrise through the dust
flashlight: Early snow.
flashlight: Haven't seen a Cardinal at the feeder in years. Shot on the 7d and edited on my phone.
flashlight: Shot on Canon 7d, edited with VSCO Cam and IG.
brydon: The Jig Is Up: Time to Get Past Facebook and Invent a New Future - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic - Chromium_011
brydon: the kids
shoothead: flame
Trey Ratcliff: The Endeavor Lifts Off
Un ragazzo chiamato Bi: il mio punto di vista
Storm Crypt: Moving Back a Bit over Legaspi
Passetti: Crowd control
ico kloppenburg: Panorama Hillary base camp
Georgio: Piste closed
Ian Muttoo: Nico
ervega: Smolansky Speaking
ManWithAToyCamera: APEC - One of the Marshalls keeping the crowd abreast of exits with a bit of humour along the way
Mykl Roventine: Lightning Hates Small Children
Mykl Roventine: Falling on your ass can be hazardous to your health
matt.hintsa: Cover Your Ears
Bill Bereza: Extreme danger, with a conveniently short wall to climb over for a better view of the cliff's edge.