Michael K Photography: Suzanne_F_Stevens_MKG-9234
Michael K Photography: Suzanne_F_Stevens_MKG-9219
Michael K Photography: Suzanne F Stevens
Michael K Photography: Suzanne_Stevens_MKG-2666
Michael K Photography: Suzanne F Stevens, CSP
Michael K Photography: Suzanne F Stevens, CSP
Michael K Photography: Suzanne F Stevens, CSP
Michael K Photography: Suzanne F Stevens, CSP
Michael K Photography: Suzanne F Stevens, CSP
Michael K Photography: CAPS Convention 2014
Michael K Photography: Suzanne F Stevens snowshoeing on the shores of Georgian Bay in Collingwood, Ontario.
Michael K Photography: Seeing the forest for the trees GOPR2747.jpg
Michael K Photography: Back to work filming @suzannefstevens interviewing African women leaders for Rooftops Canada in Johannesburg, South Africa. #lovethis job
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151007-4038
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151007-4046
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151007-4048
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151006-4006
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151006-4032
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151006-4034
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151006-4036
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151006-4037
Michael K Photography: Rooftops_Training-20151007-4057
Michael K Photography: SFS_Rooftops_Training-20151006-GOPR4303
Michael K Photography: SFS_Training-20151005-007-iP5