Michael K Photography: Fall colours from the Bruce Trail near Collingwood, Ontario.
Michael K Photography: Sun setting over Blue Mountain.
Michael K Photography: Great ceremony at OHL Kitchener Rangers Remembrance Day game last night. #ohlkitchenerrangers
Michael K Photography: Beautiful evening as the mist continues to move in off the bay into #Collingwood.
Michael K Photography: Enjoying May flowers, huge purple #iris in the backyard. #backyardflowers #backyardphotography #BeenThereSceneThatPhotographt
Michael K Photography: Gosling has arrived.
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Michael K Photography: Finally winter arrives ... Out trekking Pretty River on Bruce Trial with good friends. #winterwonderland
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Michael K Photography: Back to work filming @suzannefstevens interviewing African women leaders for Rooftops Canada in Johannesburg, South Africa. #lovethis job
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Michael K Photography: Tremont Cafe in Collingwood. Wonderful historic building, great food and patio.
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