d4matt: Focus Free 22mm
MadArtistPhoto: Hacked Vivitar 3700 Flash
rudy__: opto
rudy__: Img_9781
Spirit Vision Photography: Drinking Buddies (Man's best friend) shot on Neopan 400CN film.
decagrog: 6x6 diy camera
S.Warsame: First photograph - Super Mario
pacorocha: process_negative_fuji_instant-1
cover of darkness: reliant power!
cover of darkness: plane wrecks of the north
cover of darkness: raining fire
cover of darkness: Tube trains 3
cover of darkness: Merry christmas y'all
cover of darkness: tube trains
cover of darkness: Tube trains 2
CASSIANIUS: SAMOCA M-35 Rangefinder Camera.
Lux4u2: Beauty Super-L
Heidelknips: Tree watching by IKEA security
Greyscale3: 36940021
Mahfoo: All gear and no something something.....
zzpza: Praktica BX20S with Prakticar f2.8 28mm
Eirik0304: DIY 4x5/6x12 P+S assembled
Another Sely Friday: Holga 120WPC 35mm modification
John Kratz: Fotochrome
John Kratz: Silver King box
John Kratz: Sirchie Dual Frame Identification Camera
John Kratz: Roskoflex
nigel_gnp: PinHole01