Mica Powers: Art All Night 2018
Mica Powers: Sometimes you're waiting for a train you think will never come...And sometimes you start taking pics with your phone of strangers...And sometimes you like the photo so much you introduce yourself to said stranger to ask if they want the photo you snapped.
Mica Powers: #InfiniteKusama
Mica Powers: Snapped this earlier at #InfiniteKusama.
Mica Powers: I call this, "No We Don't Care That Someone Is Filming You Playing The Piano, We Are Gonna Stick The Stickers Wherever We Want" 😂 #InfiniteKusama
Mica Powers: A head of the game. #InfiniteKusama
Mica Powers: To infinity...and beyond!
Mica Powers: iPhone 7.
Mica Powers: A Seat At The Table.
Mica Powers: I coulda stayed in this room for forever: 1) because it was so calming and 2) because it was extremely difficult to photograph and a thousand years in there would have maybe produced one good photo from me LOL. This is the best I could do haha. #InfiniteK
Mica Powers: A shot from #FunkParade2017.
Mica Powers: #FunkParade2017
Mica Powers: 🐼#EmojisInTheWild
Mica Powers: Shot this before the Kid's Funk Parade group marched to the larger #FunkParade2017.
Mica Powers: My Mic Sounds Nice: @reesarenee performs at #FunkParade2017.
Mica Powers: Daddy's Girl. #FunkParade2017
Mica Powers: Teamwork makes the dream work. #funkparade2017
Mica Powers: #FunkParade2017
Mica Powers: @_pandawhite loves the kids. #FunkParade2017
Mica Powers: Kick, Push, Coast. #FunkParade2017
Mica Powers: Bringing the noise, bringing the Funk. #FunkParade2017
Mica Powers: Another shot from earlier, of the @easternhs Marching Band crushing it in DuPont Circle. Please see my previous post to get more info on donating for their upcoming trip to NOLA.
Mica Powers: Pretty dope to run into @easternhs's Marching Band in DuPont Circle crushing the tunes (see my IG Stories for video). Per the flier they handed out, they are trying to get to NOLA and their @gofundme link for expenses is: GoFundMe.com/Eastern2NewOrleans
Mica Powers: Same train, different look.
Mica Powers: Three Windows
Mica Powers: #LookingUp, at the site where President Lincoln was assassinated. #FordsRagtime
Mica Powers: Had a blast at the #FordsRagtime meetup today. It was extra awesome that they had the room open where Lincoln was assassinated--I've been to @fordstheatre three times before and have never seen the room. In this photo Lincoln's chair overlooks the set of
Mica Powers: Tourist season is upon us...
Mica Powers: Social Media Architecture Tour attendee @mariettebahati stands before the "You Are My Witnesses" wall in the Hall of Witness at the @holocaustmuseum.
Mica Powers: Holocaust survivor Margit Meissner is 95 years young and volunteers at @holocaustmuseum to tell her story to visitors. Amazing to meet living history. #WhatIDoMatters