MicahRowland: Helpful latrine decor - Pemba, Mozambique
MicahRowland: Future Male Models of Mozambique
MicahRowland: New place, old friends
MicahRowland: Easy Rider
MicahRowland: View from the road
MicahRowland: On the road again
MicahRowland: roadside market, Pemba
MicahRowland: Mozambican village
MicahRowland: Selling veggies in the village
MicahRowland: Cassava drying in the sun
MicahRowland: Baobab tree at sunset
MicahRowland: barefoot soccer
MicahRowland: penalty kick
MicahRowland: disputed shot
MicahRowland: Another sunlit baobab tree
MicahRowland: boy on the beach at sunset
MicahRowland: woman on the beach at sunset
MicahRowland: man on beach at sunset
MicahRowland: sunset at Wimbe beach
MicahRowland: Pemba bay, late afternoon
MicahRowland: Another shot at sunset, Wimbe beac
MicahRowland: Wimbe beach, daytime
MicahRowland: Pemba bay, late afternoon (cropped)
MicahRowland: woman with bucket on head
MicahRowland: roadside craft stand, Pemba
MicahRowland: roadside stands, Pemba
MicahRowland: hanging out at Pemba Dolphin
MicahRowland: "you shall know them by their love for one another"
MicahRowland: my first (crappy) room at The Nautilus, Pemba
MicahRowland: crappy sink, Nautilus hotel, Pemba