sonnia hill: Quercus lyrata
sonnia hill: Ulmus parvifolia - fruit
sonnia hill: Ardea alba
sonnia hill: Heliotropium indicum
Ozzy Delaney: On board Swiss Airbus A220-300
Ranveig Marie Photography: My First Hoopoes
squirreldelaplaya: Hey yous out there in the cold can you hear me ?
Melinda Young Stuart: Winter Approaches
Nelleke C: Orobanche elatior
Lee Casebere: Carolina mountain scene
Henna K.: Afterparty
Henna K.: Autumn in Mirror
Henna K.: Mäkitervakko (Viscaria vulgaris), June 2024
Henna K.: Harakankello (Campanula patula)
Henna K.: Weird Cynoglossum
Melinda Young Stuart: African Aloe
Nelleke C: Lycopodium alpinum
Nelleke C: Minuartia verna
Nelleke C: Leucanthemum halleri
Laura Rowan: Let your dreams take flight, just like these magnificent birds.
Henna K.: Kurki, Eurasian crane (Grus grus)
Henna K.: Kurki, Eurasian crane (Grus grus)
Henna K.: Duckboards by the Lake Kauhalammi
Henna K.: Autumn <3
Henna K.: Blushing cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) leaf
Henna K.: Overflight
Henna K.: Aspen Gold
Roseland88: Omis, Croatia
bp5131: nature
Henna K.: Pyramidal Jackspot