Michael Huft:
Pedicularis groenlandica (Elephantella or Elephant-head) -- Orobanchaceae
Michael Huft:
Anticlea elegans (Mountain Death Camas) -- Melanthiaceae
Michael Huft:
Actaea pachypoda (White Baneberry or Doll's Eyes) -- Ranunculaceae
Michael Huft:
Lobelia inflata (Indian Tobacco) -- Campanulaceae
Michael Huft:
Campanulastrum americanum (Tall Bellflower) -- Campanulaceae -- Close-up of Flower
Michael Huft:
Asclepias speciosa (Showy Milkweed) -- Apocynaceae
Michael Huft:
Asclepias speciosa (Showy Milkweed) -- Apocynaceae
Michael Huft:
Physalis longifolia (Common Ground-cherry) -- Solanaceae
Michael Huft:
Nebraska Scene with Windmill and Cornfield
Michael Huft:
Lilium michiganense (Michigan Lily) -- Liliaceae
Michael Huft:
Galium triflorum (Sweet-scented Bedstraw) -- Rubiaceae
Michael Huft:
Verbena urticifolia (Hairy White Vervain) -- Verbenaceae
Michael Huft:
Platanthera clavellata (Club-Spur Orchid) -- Orchidaceae
Michael Huft:
Platanthera psycodes (Small Purple Fringed-Orchid) -- Orchidaceae
Michael Huft:
Verbena hastata (Blue Vervain or Swamp Verbena) -- Verbenaceae
Michael Huft:
Potentilla arguta (Prairie Cinquefoil) -- Rosaceae
Michael Huft:
Potentilla anserina (Silverweed) -- Rosaceae
Michael Huft:
Lilium michiganense (Michigan Lily) -- Liliaceae
Michael Huft:
Galium obtusum (Wild Madder) -- Rubiaceae
Michael Huft:
Arnoglossum plantagineum (Prairie Indian Plantain) -- Asteraceae
Michael Huft:
Dianthus armeria (Deptford Pink) -- Caryophyllaceae
Michael Huft:
Lythrum alatum (Winged Loosestrife) -- Lythraceae
Michael Huft:
Natural Wildflower Garden in the Indiana Dunes
Michael Huft:
Rose Pogonia or Adder's Mouth Orchid (Pogonia ophioglossoides)
Michael Huft:
Campsis radicans (Trumpet Creeper)
Michael Huft:
Desmodium glutinosum (Cluster-Leaf Tick-Trefoil) -- Fabaceae
Michael Huft:
Viola striata (Cream Violet or Striped White Violet) -- Violaceae
Michael Huft:
Passiflora lutea (Yellow Passionflower) -- Passifloraceae
Michael Huft:
Passiflora lutea (Yellow Passionflower) -- Passifloraceae
Michael Huft:
Cladrastis kentukea (Kentucky Yellowwood or American Yellowwood) -- Fabaceae -- in Fruit