MamiGibbs: Hands of Grandmother .ばあちゃんの手
MamiGibbs: Traditional play of Japan
MamiGibbs: Love Me Tender -やさしくあいして。。
MamiGibbs: Cool oneself -夕涼み
MamiGibbs: Look! tiny Rainbow here!
MamiGibbs: And pray for suffering people in disaster arias
MamiGibbs: Life is Beautiful !!Photo is greatness!!人生は素晴らしい
MamiGibbs: I took DIAMOND ☆
MamiGibbs: Let's take the stairs.
MamiGibbs: ママちゃり 
MamiGibbs: Dear my friend
MamiGibbs: Caught the grasshopper !!!
MamiGibbs: shriveled skin
MamiGibbs: Barefoot Angel
MamiGibbs: The beginning of summer!
MamiGibbs: 10days old hand
MamiGibbs: Hello! I am 10day old now!
MamiGibbs: 10 days!!!!!!! hello
MamiGibbs: Beautiful new bride
MamiGibbs: Obon and Monks
MamiGibbs: went to a POOL
MamiGibbs: Dry ice, ドライアイス!
MamiGibbs: I wish I could stop the clock.
MamiGibbs: Trust and....
MamiGibbs: Love!
MamiGibbs: White -Day..1
MamiGibbs: Today'S Shadow...on the park
MamiGibbs: Winer
MamiGibbs: Golden wedding anniversary!
MamiGibbs: I 've got a mail !