curiousart: LOST Eyelander
W1N9Zr0: Steampunk space ship sculpture
blancucha: Let's travel!
SelenaAnne: earring pair group
Kirk Millett: Brilliant Butterfly
Kirk Millett: Kermit
MonkEyGstudio: MonkEuG studio Resin Limited kid
UÖLKER - Sneakers & Co.: RetroRobotsSneakersCollection04
Sandy Mastroni: weird girl art doll Sandy Mastroni
Quernus Crafts: Little Knitting Mice
Scott Wetterschneider: Annnnd, tada! The reveal of the big big bronze beasty I sculpted for Mathews Elementary. He stands on top of a time capsule! Thank you, BJ Heinley, for letting me work on this spectacular project.
Gille Monte Ruici: reused assemblage robot sculpture
suzicq: Dangly Robot
suzicq: Friends
suzicq: Serafine
Quernus Crafts: Wedding Viking Mice Cake Toppers
Quernus Crafts: Little Paintbrush Penguins
east med wanderer: Swayambhunath, Kathmandu, Nepal
Quernus Crafts: Wee Baby Mole
Donald Deveau: Remco Lost In Space Robot
joeturner1955: Collections 1 - Daleks
Leo Reynolds: owl door handle
free_dragonfly: owls in process