m.hawksey: OpenCV, Raspberry Pi and Google Analytics
m.hawksey: Machina a Machina
m.hawksey: Cable Green and CC sticker at Open Scotland event at National Museum of Scotland [original]
m.hawksey: Cable Green and CC sticker at Open Scotland event at National Museum of Scotland
m.hawksey: One of Google's first server racks
m.hawksey: Punch card "10 Hello World"
m.hawksey: IBM 140 character memory
m.hawksey: USB cable c. 1960s (data cable used in IBM 1401)
m.hawksey: Bunch of wires
m.hawksey: Super computing (overlooked by Cray)
m.hawksey: SAGE Weapons Console with light gun IBM 1958
m.hawksey: UNIVAC Memory ... i think
m.hawksey: Old calculators HP and Texas Instruments
m.hawksey: Curta Mechanical Calculator
m.hawksey: IBM 1403 Printer (w/h IBM 1401)
m.hawksey: PDP-1
m.hawksey: Spreadsheet Addiction
m.hawksey: Voting Up
m.hawksey: Spamming Google Analytics
m.hawksey: The Golden MOOCow
m.hawksey: blogs.lincoln.ac.uk homepage
m.hawksey: cetis analytics series splash
m.hawksey: who are you
m.hawksey: Infographic. Love it, hate it
m.hawksey: Dashboard. Love it, hate it
m.hawksey: Union Jack Bunting
m.hawksey: #altc2012 Twitter Hashtag Community
m.hawksey: #moocmooc threaded twitter conversations
m.hawksey: P1000164
m.hawksey: Wordcloud generated from #cam12 tweets