mharrsch: Mary Lou geared up for a photography assignment for Rotor and Wing International Magazine 1978
mharrsch: Mary Lou examines ancient Egyptian artifacts at the Petrie Museum in London.
mharrsch: Dan Scott driving hyster at Rogges ACR SHK RED SMOOTHED CROPPED
mharrsch: Dan Scott's Feed and Seed opens in the former Nulade bulding in Bandon 1973
mharrsch: Mary Lou (me) with the famous EDS Cat Herders at Comdex in Las Vegas 2000
mharrsch: Marge Chandler graduating from college 1972
mharrsch: Marge Chandler decorated for Halloween at her job as a technologist in 1990
mharrsch: Gary Wallace, rt, unloading crabs at Bandon fisheries 1971
mharrsch: Gary Wallace unloading crab at the Bandon Fisheries 1971
mharrsch: Gary Wallace cleaning the receiving area at the Bandon Fisheries 1971
mharrsch: Gary Wallace, rt. unloading crabs at the Bandon Fisheries 1971
mharrsch: Sharon Butler Arnett at Red Hat Society Event
mharrsch: Sharon Butler Arnett at Black and Bling Society event
mharrsch: Self Portrait reflected in the gold visor of an Apollo astronaut's helmet (with Topaz filter applied)
mharrsch: Mary Lou (me) in 1978 working at the Burns Times Herald as a darkroom technician. I would eventually learn graphic design and worked as a reporter and even editor while the editor was on medical leave.
mharrsch: Caricature of Mary Harrsch in 1992 by Jody Carr at a ccMail conference in San Francisco
mharrsch: Mary Checking the oil of her Tractor on the family ranch in 1982
mharrsch: Mary and her family on their Last Frontier Ranch near Burns, Oregon in 1982
mharrsch: Country Writer Mary in her darkroom and greasing a cultipacker on the family ranch near Burns, Oregon in 1982
mharrsch: Mary featured as a Country Writer in a 1982 issue of the Ruralite Magazine
mharrsch: Baseball girls 1958?
mharrsch: Ben Harrsch witching water in 1982 near Crane, Oregon
mharrsch: Cattle drive in winter near Lakeview Oregon
mharrsch: Mary Harrsch running swather on Last Frontier Ranch near Crane Oregon
mharrsch: Mary Harrsch visiting a Japanese Dairy 1982
mharrsch: Mary Harrsch with First Alfalfa Products Trade Team in Japan 1982
mharrsch: Harrsch Family on Last Frontier Ranch near Crane Oregon 1982
mharrsch: Carolyn Mullikin Lebsack feeding a seal at the Oregon Coast Aquarium during a sabbatical
mharrsch: Carolyn Mullikin Lebsack being recognized for her teaching at a Linn-Benton Community College board meeting
mharrsch: Carolyn Mullikin Lebsack on sabbatical at the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport