mharrsch: An invading Roman army finds the New World challenging!!
mharrsch: Looking east towards the 1930s-era steel bridge spanning Newport Bay in Newport Oregon
mharrsch: Wisteria in Monet's garden in Giverny, France with Topaz Impressions' Cezanne filter
mharrsch: Prerestoration frescoes in the House of the Ceii Pompeii
mharrsch: Closer view of the prerestoration hunting scene in the House of the Ceii (Ancient Hunt) Pompeii
mharrsch: Closeup of prerestoration hunting scene fresco in the House of the Ceii (Ancient Hunt) Pompeii
mharrsch: Mosaic pavement in the tablinum of the House of the Ceii Pompeii
mharrsch: Mosaic pavement in frescoed room of the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Passageway painted in the Fourth Style in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Another view of Fourth Style frescoes in a passageway of the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Corridor decorated in the Fourth Style of the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Another corridor with remnants of an ornate stuccoed ceiling in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Closer view of the decorative celing stucco in a corridor of the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Mosaic pavement in a room of the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Another room decorated in the Fourth Style in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Triclinium with built in couches in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: View of the elevated peristyle from the triclinium in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Remains of other rooms in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Fresco of Hermes and the sacred serpent with niche (lararium) in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Small elevated peristyle in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Pool with puteal (well head) in the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Restoration of structures (possibly a shrine) across the street from the House of the Cryptoporticus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Entry with guard dog mosaic in the House of Pacquius Proculus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Mosaiced atrium with impluvium in the House of Pacquius Proculus excavated in 1911
mharrsch: Atrium with impluvium, table, and puteal of the House of Fabius Amandus excavated in 1912
mharrsch: Atrium of the House of the Ephebe Pompeii excavated in 1912
mharrsch: A large exedra (left) thought to have originally been the tablinum decorated in the Fourth Style in the House of the Ephebe Pompeii excavated in 1912
mharrsch: Exedra decorated in the Fourth Style facing the original barred fauces in the House of the Ephebe Pompeii excavated in 1912
mharrsch: Triclinium decorated in the Fourth Style in the House of the Ephebe Pompeii excavated in 1912
mharrsch: Cubiculum decorated in the Fourth Style with inlaid mosaic pavement in the House of the Ephebe Pompeii excavated in 1912