mharrsch: Lekythos depicting a siren trying to tempt Odysseus in a scene from Homer's Odyssey Eretria Late 6th century BCE Clay
mharrsch: Closeup of a Lekythos depicting a siren trying to tempt Odysseus in a scene from Homer's Odyssey Eretria Late 6th century BCE Clay
mharrsch: Plaque depicting Odysseus strapped to a ram Bronze Delphi, Greece 540-530 BCE
mharrsch: Closeup of a sculpture of the healing god Aesculapius with the head of Homer
mharrsch: Penelope by Franklin Simmons American Marble 1896 CE (3)
mharrsch: Penelope by Franklin Simmons American Marble 1896 CE (5)
mharrsch: Penelope by Franklin Simmons American Marble 1896 CE (2)
mharrsch: Penelope by Franklin Simmons American Marble 1896 CE (4)
mharrsch: Penelope by Franklin Simmons American Marble 1896 CE (1)
mharrsch: Roman oil lamp with scene of Ulysses Intoxicating Polyphemos 1-100 CE Terracotta
mharrsch: Detail of Mosaic depicting the removal of Briseis from Achilles in the Iliad Roman 100-200 CE Stone and glass
mharrsch: Paris by Antonio Canova Italian Rome 1822-23 CE Marble (1)
mharrsch: Paris by Antonio Canova Italian Rome 1822-23 CE Marble
mharrsch: Red-figured lekythos depicting Paris and Helen attributed to the Painter of the Frankfort acorn Greek made in Athens 420-400 BCE terracotta (1)
mharrsch: Greek Attic black-figure Hydria with chariot procession on the body and Achilles Ambushing Troilos on the shoulder 530 BCE Ceramic (7)
mharrsch: Lidded Storage Jar depicting the blinding of Polyphemos Etruscan 640-625 BCE Terracotta
mharrsch: Wine Cup (Skyphos)depicting Odysseus from The Odyssey Book 11 Lines 26-42 Silver Roman 1 - 100 CE (2)
mharrsch: Wine Cup (Skyphos)depicting Odysseus from The Odyssey Book 11 Lines 26-42 Silver Roman 1 - 100 CE
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting the removal of Briseis from the Iliad Roman 100-200 CE Stone and glass (3)
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting the removal of Briseis from the Iliad Roman 100-200 CE Stone and glass (2)
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting the removal of Briseis from the Iliad Roman 100-200 CE Stone and glass (1)
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting the removal of Briseis from the Iliad Roman 100-200 CE Stone and glass
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting the removal of Briseis from the Iliad Roman 100-200 CE Stone and glass (5)
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting the removal of Briseis from the Iliad Roman 100-200 CE Stone and glass (6)
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting the removal of Briseis from the Iliad Roman 100-200 CE Stone and glass (4)
mharrsch: A sculpture of the healing god Aesculapius with the head of Homer
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting Achilles confronting Agamemnon from the House of Apollo in Pompeii Roman 1st century BCE-1st century CE (1)
mharrsch: Mosaic depicting Achilles confronting Agamemnon from the House of Apollo in Pompeii Roman 1st century BCE-1st century CE
mharrsch: Ulysses consults Tiresias 1st century CE from the villa Albani Marble Italy
mharrsch: Silver-gilt emblema (medallion) representing Scylla Greek South Italian or Sicilian 3rd century BCE