mharrsch: Gravestone of young Greek girl named Mynnia with inscription made in Athens 370 BCE
mharrsch: Closeup of Gravestone of young Greek girl named Mynnia made in Athens 370 BC
mharrsch: Gravestone of a seven year old Greek girl named Apollonia depicting stroking a dove, the symbol of the soul, and holding a pomegranate, an attribute of Persephone, goddess of the Underworld about 300 BCE
mharrsch: Gravestone of a young Greek girl named Demainete holding her pet bird about 310 BCE
mharrsch: Bronze Figure of a Running Girl Lakonian (Spartan) 6th century BCE
mharrsch: Statue of young girl with dove Roman copy of Hellenistic original of the 3rd-2nd century BCE Marble (3)
mharrsch: Statue of young girl with dove Roman copy of Hellenistic original of the 3rd-2nd century BCE Marble (1)
mharrsch: Statue of young girl with dove Roman copy of Hellenistic original of the 3rd-2nd century BCE Marble (2)
mharrsch: Statue of young girl with dove Roman copy of Hellenistic original of the 3rd-2nd century BCE Marble (4)
mharrsch: Marble statue of a girl Roman 1st or 2nd century CE copy of a 3rd or 2nd century BCE Greek work
mharrsch: Marble portrait of a young girl with a hairstyle similar to the Empress Domitia Longina Roman Flavian Period 81-96 CE
mharrsch: Terracotta statuettes of a girl and woman Greek Attic 300 BCE
mharrsch: Terracotta group of two girls playing a game known as ephedrismos Greek Corinthian late 4th-early 3rd century BCE
mharrsch: Marble grave stele of a little girl with doves Greek 450-440 BCE found on the island of Paros
mharrsch: Marble grave stele of a little girl with doves Greek 450-440 BCE found on the island of Paros (1)
mharrsch: Marble stele grave marker of a youth and a little girl Greek Attic 530 BCE Athens (3)
mharrsch: Marble stele grave marker of a youth and a little girl Greek Attic 530 BCE Athens (4)
mharrsch: Marble stele grave marker of a youth and a little girl Greek Attic 530 BCE Athens (1)
mharrsch: Bust of a Roman girl exhibits high quality suggesting it came from a prominent family like that of the Emperor Commodus 180-200 CE marble
mharrsch: Grave Monument of a Roman girl included her dolls and pet dog depicted on the marble couch 120-140 CE (1)
mharrsch: Grave Monument of a Roman girl included her dolls and pet dog depicted on the marble couch 120-140 CE
mharrsch: Bust of a Roman girl exhibits high quality suggesting it came from a prominent family like that of the Emperor Commodus 180-200 CE marble (1)
mharrsch: Coin Bank shaped as a Beggar Girl roman 25-50 CE Bronze and Copper (1)
mharrsch: Coin Bank shaped as a Beggar Girl roman 25-50 CE Bronze and Copper
mharrsch: Head of a girl whose braided hairstyle identify her as an assistant in the worship of Artemis Greek about 300 BCE Marble
mharrsch: Gilded Mummy of a 4 year old girl from the Roman Period Egypt
mharrsch: Gilded Mummy of a 4 year old girl from the Roman Period Egypt (1)
mharrsch: Pentelic marble statue of a young girl Athens Greece 350 to 325 BCE
mharrsch: Portrait statue of Julia, daughter of Roman emperor Titus, as a child of 12 found on Tiber Island 1st century CE
mharrsch: Portrait statue of Julia, daughter of the Roman emperor Titus, as a child of 12 found on Tiber Island 1st century CE