mharrsch: Two carved rings depicting Aphrodite Greek probably made in Alexandria, Egypt 220-100 BCE Gold, garnet, Carnelian
mharrsch: Gold Earrings with Nike Pendant Greek 225-175 BCE
mharrsch: Gold necklace with torches representing the nocturnal rites of Demeter and garnets probably made in Alexandria Egypt 220-100 BCE and owned by a noble of the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty
mharrsch: Diadem Greek 2nd century BCE Gold and glass
mharrsch: Bulla Etruscan 4th century BCE Gold (2)
mharrsch: Diadem with Ornamental Frieze GReek 4th century BCE Gold
mharrsch: Imperial Legion of Honor medal worn by Napoleon I 19th century CE
mharrsch: Gold Hilt of a Sword of Napoleon I ornamented with coral cameo portraits from Naples, Italy French 19th century CE exhibited at Fontainebleau
mharrsch: Floral earplugs Maya Jade 500-650 CE
mharrsch: Earplugs Chimu, Chan-Chan, Peru Gold with turquoise stones 900-1200 CE
mharrsch: Septum ornament Sinu Colombia Gold 500-1000 CE
mharrsch: Septum Ornament Vicus Peru Gold 100 BCE - 300 CE
mharrsch: Meritaten examines royal pectoral in the Cosmic Gallery of virtual Amarna (Akhetaten)
mharrsch: Roman cameos portraying the Emperor Claudius (left) and the Emperor Tiberius (right) 1st century CE
mharrsch: Cameo portraying the Emperor Claudius as the God Jupiter Cameo 41-54 CE frame Italian late 16th century
mharrsch: Necklace with Pendant depicting the multi-armed goddess Durga vanquishing the buffalo demon Nepal 1750-1850 CE Gilt Silver with Turquoise and other semiprecious stones
mharrsch: Gold Horse Head Fibula Hunnish 5th century CE
mharrsch: Hunnish Gold Bracelet with Garnet 5th century BCE
mharrsch: Ceremonial Pendant Tiwanaku-Wari Peru or highland Bolivia 400-800 CE Shell stone silver copper and cotton
mharrsch: Roman Necklace with Relief Pendant Gold garnet emerald glass and chalcedony 200 - 400 CE (1)
mharrsch: Roman Necklace with Relief Pendant Gold garnet emerald glass and chalcedony 200 - 400 CE
mharrsch: Gold and Glass Bead Necklace Discovered in a Woman's Sarcophagus in ancient Fidene north of Rome 6th-5th century BCE
mharrsch: Gold Armlets depicting lion griffins Oxus Treasure Persia 5th-4th century BCE
mharrsch: Alligator pendant Panama International style 5th-7th century CE Cast Gold
mharrsch: Man's head ornament Indonesia Lake Poso region Sulawesi Brass 1800-1900 CE
mharrsch: Gold Funerary Scarabs Egypt
mharrsch: Native American necklaces Beads and Teeth
mharrsch: Pair of Bauletto Earrings Etruscan 6th century BCE Gold
mharrsch: Cypriot necklace 5th century BCE gold and glass with Etruscan gold earring 6th century BCE
mharrsch: Gold Earrings Etruscan second half of the 6th century BCE