mharrsch: Funerary relief of a hunter Greek made in Taras, South Italy 290-250 BCE Limestone
mharrsch: Sarcophagus panel depicting the myth of Endymion and Selene Roman 210 CE
mharrsch: Closeup of a sarcophagus panel depicting the myth of Endymion and Selene Roman 210 CE
mharrsch: Bronze sculpture of a hunting hound at Fontainebleau Royal Palace in France "19th century CE"
mharrsch: Colima Dog Effigy West Mexico 300 BCE - 200 CE Ceramic
mharrsch: Figure of a Dog Colima Mexico 100-200 CE Ceramic and pigment
mharrsch: Dog Tang Dynasty 618-907 CE Jade China
mharrsch: The Imperial Prince and his dog Nero by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux 1865 Marble
mharrsch: Mosaic pavement depicting a dog in the Piazzale delle Corporazioni in Ostia Antica 1st century BCE-4th century CE
mharrsch: Dog Thailand Si Satchanalai 1450-1650 CE Glazed Stoneware
mharrsch: Dog Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 CE) China Glazed Earthenware
mharrsch: Woman with boy and puppy China 1900-1949 Turquoise
mharrsch: Colima Ceramic Dog Vessel 200-250 CE Protoclassic
mharrsch: Sculpture of Hunting Dogs Bringing Down a Wild Boar at Huntington Gardens Pasadena California
mharrsch: Sculpture of Hunting Dogs Bringing Down a Stag at Huntington Gardens Pasadena California (2)
mharrsch: Sculpture of Hunting Dogs Bringing Down a Stag at Huntington Gardens Pasadena California
mharrsch: Key with a Dog-Shaped Handle Roman 1-100 CE Bronze and Iron
mharrsch: Silvanus god of woodland and boundaries is often portrayed with a hunting or watch dog Roman marble
mharrsch: Egyptian influenced dog sculpture from the Horti Maecenatiani Roman 2nd - 3rd century CE (1)
mharrsch: Egyptian influenced dog sculpture from the Horti Maecenatiani Roman 2nd - 3rd century CE
mharrsch: The Famous Cave Canem (Beware of Dog) Mosaic from Pompeii Roman 1st century CE
mharrsch: Detail of The Imperial Prince and his dog Nero by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux 1865 Marble
mharrsch: The Many Faces of Christmas - Dogs
mharrsch: The Many Faces of Christmas - Dogs (1)
mharrsch: Terracotta plaque of a man leading a dog Old Babylonian 2000-1600 BCE from Borsippa
mharrsch: Gravestone of Helena probably adored pet even though the inscription refers to foster daughter Roman 150-200 CE marble
mharrsch: Detail of Bas Relief of Man with calf and dog 2490-2323 BCE Egyptian Old Kingdom Limestone
mharrsch: Tapestry detail from French Chair 18th century CE
mharrsch: Dog with snapping jaw Late Dynasty 18 1400-1350 BCE Ivory (1)
mharrsch: Dog with snapping jaw Late Dynasty 18 1400-1350 BCE Ivory