mharrsch: Reconstruction of a Torvosaurus 2
mharrsch: Reconstruction of a Torvosaurus 3
mharrsch: Reconstruction of a Torvosaurus 1
mharrsch: Triassic Tracks
mharrsch: Smilodon skull
mharrsch: Prehistoric scene 4
mharrsch: Prehistoric scene 2
mharrsch: Prehistoric scene 1
mharrsch: Prehistoric landscape 4
mharrsch: Prehistoric landscape 3
mharrsch: Prehistoric landscape 2
mharrsch: Prehistoric landscape 1
mharrsch: Perhaps an ancestor to a giant squid
mharrsch: Neanderthal
mharrsch: MVC-025S
mharrsch: Modern Human
mharrsch: Mausasaurs were ferocius sea predators
mharrsch: Homo Erectus
mharrsch: Early sea life took a myriad of forms
mharrsch: Early forest scene
mharrsch: cast of an early predator
mharrsch: Bronze models are cast at a Mesalands Community College foundry
mharrsch: Australopithicus
mharrsch: ancient seas were a riot of color 2
mharrsch: ancient seas were a riot of color 1
mharrsch: an early sea creature resembles a horseshoe crab
mharrsch: a painting of an early arboreal mammal
mharrsch: a nautilus
mharrsch: Velociraptor skeleton
mharrsch: Tyranusaurus Rex skull