YM - marlee.grace: kitchen corner psst - the grand rapids firsts calendars by @issuepress are on sale (online as well and international shipping) for only $10!!
YM - marlee.grace: the view from waking up is hard
YM - marlee.grace: the view from i totally got this. finally setting up a have company blog (!!) cleaning house (both actually and metaphorically) and honoring a day of hibernation.
YM - marlee.grace: the view from sitting still
YM - marlee.grace: slow sunday
YM - marlee.grace: operation wedding decorations has begun.
YM - marlee.grace: details coming soon // have company fort nights
YM - marlee.grace: making space
YM - marlee.grace: maren & alex
YM - marlee.grace: lover // morning
YM - marlee.grace: george's house
YM - marlee.grace: still from a short film
YM - marlee.grace: zachary & john
YM - marlee.grace: harbinger leather
YM - marlee.grace: business cards
YM - marlee.grace: the daac // october 17
YM - marlee.grace: do it together grand rapids // september
YM - marlee.grace: have company greeting cards
YM - marlee.grace: the daac // volunteer!
YM - marlee.grace: where you stand
YM - marlee.grace: august 24 house show