Parula's Nature: Female Greater and Lesser Scaup
scolopax12: Bufflehead x Common Goldeneye
Adam D'Onofrio: Common Eider- Broad Bay, Virginia Beach, Va 12-31-18
whohenstein: Bar Tailed Godwit on the wing
Gordon Hart2012: Little Gull, (Hydrocoleus minutus).
arun k bose: Little Blue Heron, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orange Co. FL, 12-28-18
whohenstein: Merlin
FluvannaCountyBirder754: American Tree Sparrow
Theo Staengl: Saltmarsh sparrow
Ezra Peregrine: Northern Pintail (Anas acuta)
Gregs eBirds: Bobolink
Gregs eBirds: Savannah Sparrow
Parula's Nature: Nelson's Sparrow
aurospio: Common Ringed Plover
FluvannaCountyBirder754: Backyard Red-headed Woodpecker (old photo)
Gregs eBirds: Coast Guard Rescue Boats, Barnegat Light
Gregs eBirds: Purple Sandpiper
aurospio: Little Stint
Aquila-chrysaetos: AMERICAN BITTERN
Gregs eBirds: Lifer Bobcat
Frank Mantlik: Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)
Hans Spiecker Photography: Grebe, Least 11-5617-Edit
Forficatus: Swallow-tailed Kite, Brunswick County, NC
VMI Biology Department: Yellow-throated Warbler 9 Apr 17 36
Gregs eBirds: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
zxgirl: Falcon Fly-by
zxgirl: Flight Composite
plantmandrew: Vesper Sparrow
arun k bose: Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Colonial Heights, VA, 03-26-17
jack4rogers: Seaside Sparrow portrait