Maarten VLH: M94 - The Croc's Eye Galaxy
Maarten VLH: M 33 - The Triangulum Pinwheel Galaxy
Maarten VLH: IC 5070 - The Pelican Nebula
Maarten VLH: M49 and friends in Virgo
Rob Ebeling: Milky Way above Grandpré, France
Sergio Garcia Rill: Star Shower
Pegaso0970: LDN673 "Mayan glyphs" in Aquila
Wei-Hao Wang: M31 Andromeda Galaxy
Astro Tom: Grasshopper and Planetry
Pegaso0970: Celestial Triangle - C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy
Pegaso0970: Orion's Belt
Maurizio Cabibbo: M31_HLRGB
Christian.CKR: Milky Way
astroeder: Soap Bubble with Crescent, NGC6888
noomplayboy: Aurora Startrails in Kirkjufell : Iceland