michellefairbrother73: Yellow double hibiscus
michellefairbrother73: Sadness never sleeps
michellefairbrother73: Parramatta female factory
michellefairbrother73: Up close & beautiful
michellefairbrother73: Sunday rainbow
michellefairbrother73: History ruined
michellefairbrother73: History ruined
michellefairbrother73: Bottlebrush flower
michellefairbrother73: Behind the falls
michellefairbrother73: Amongst the greenery
michellefairbrother73: My first time using a long lens, not the greatest but all in all still quite happy with the results.
michellefairbrother73: Scheyville silos
michellefairbrother73: Bullimah footprints
michellefairbrother73: Girrakool falls
michellefairbrother73: Killcare coastal walk
michellefairbrother73: Dreaming of freedom
michellefairbrother73: Swanning beauty
michellefairbrother73: No horsing around