mezzography: 1. i'm trying again
mezzography: 2. discovery of something you kind of always knew.
mezzography: 3. it'll happen
mezzography: 4. all smiles here
mezzography: 5. the end of july
mezzography: 6. the first shameless snap and go
mezzography: 7. somethingfamiliar
mezzography: 9. "it's impossible to purchase beauty
mezzography: 10. what if the sky were grass?
mezzography: 11. 11:11 on 7/24
mezzography: 12. it's not the photo, it's the sunset
mezzography: 13. depression hurts.
mezzography: 14. moving day
mezzography: 16. only one of the fans in the apartment
mezzography: 17. waiting legs
mezzography: 18. a view
mezzography: 19. ground-keh in my alley-keh
mezzography: 20. sleeping naked