mezzography: untitled
mezzography: Music tickled her tired soul: redemption.
mezzography: For the rest of your life.
mezzography: she said nothing, didn't need to
mezzography: Born Tuesday. Married Wednesday. Loved Friday.
mezzography: Fullerton.
mezzography: this is depaul
mezzography: not just work
mezzography: foggy fullerton
mezzography: mustache max
mezzography: preparation
mezzography: I went to Israel.
mezzography: grillz
mezzography: bedouin
mezzography: it means something to someone
mezzography: green soldier
mezzography: sisters
mezzography: IMG_0192
mezzography: falafel maker
mezzography: IMG_0043
mezzography: IMG_0018
mezzography: hanging