mezzography: 16/365: take pictures and be merry!
mezzography: 10/365: don't be the bunny.
mezzography: 7/365
mezzography: 3/365: Here's to day 3
mezzography: In light of the times
mezzography: La menina 2
mezzography: La menina
mezzography: Good morning, college
mezzography: 55/365: yearning
mezzography: open up the dirty window
mezzography: 53/365: cracks in the foundation
mezzography: 48/365: this little light of mine
mezzography: once i thought i'd never grow
mezzography: Don't you hate how they don't let you smile in passport pictures?
mezzography: a boy and a girl
mezzography: but why?
mezzography: cease to begin
mezzography: friends
mezzography: a decision you won't regret in the morning
mezzography: auto photog.
mezzography: what is it like to be you
mezzography: tourists