mezze: bambi in springlight
mezze: the big beautiful beetle
mezze: celcius
mezze: anaconda
mezze: double damseldance
mezze: bought your parking-ticket?
mezze: death in may
mezze: wolzwever / large bee-fly
mezze: fuzzy pluis
mezze: things we do on sundays
mezze: express yourself (quack)
mezze: datcha, tree, bird
mezze: 'nonsens!'
mezze: the fox that walked by (and by again)
mezze: getting a suntan
mezze: exact
mezze: eyes
mezze: <--ree/roe deer-->
mezze: snowdance
mezze: '...?'
mezze: urban cannelloni
mezze: urban steel
mezze: 14
mezze: so it's winter..
mezze: winterguest
mezze: linea ( +/- recta )
mezze: linea (recta)
mezze: contemplating life
mezze: crystal bonsai
mezze: autumn walk