Julie@HICAP: IMG_0484
Anderson Ta: 2014-08-02 18.18.34
the Schlem: Metrix Create Space, a Hackerspace, Seattle
Anderson Ta: Robot ARM!
mightyohm: Seattle Mini Maker Faire
Eutychus22: 09e06- 009 TEXT - 1973 Expresso machine
Eutychus22: 09e06- 008 Old Expresso Maker
Matt Westervelt: new jacket
ewedistrict: Every human in the contiguous US
ッ Zach Hoeken ッ: Chip Shooter
charlie _x: Tron disc prototype
zlatkarp: Diverden
EspressoBuzz: IMG_5782.jpg
the other Martin Taylor: DIY iPhone Teleprompter
cdine: Some people just can't drive in the snow.
hslphotosync: DSC_0217.JPG
Gabriel C. Herbertson: Powder Printer
Seattle Municipal Archives: Yesler looking east from Western, 1912
bre pettis: Yes! @EMSL's digi-comp ii!
jamesmoe: blacklight
Matt Westervelt: moon and towers
jamesmoe: Magic multicolor machine
open3dp: Clonedel_Print
Spacexula: Pink Prusa set
Robert Twomey: IMG_3584
ttstam: Say hello to my new friend...
David Scott Cole: Monster Kit