Jeff Clow: Timeless Tree
©DocTony Photography: of sunsets and flowers
©DocTony Photography: lovers' lane
| HD |: Violet Visions
Unlucky ღ Puppy: blockhead graveyard
topshampatti: the Pollenator
topshampatti: Marble
lisajacob: Banana Spider
firsttoseeme: praying mantis
shrike1964: Low Tide at Acadia
eva8*: bees
eva8*: dark carnival
eva8*: ride
minions & myrmidons: cracking the mother lode
inspired2...: the tangled web...
eva8*: do'nob
gina64: At the beach on the Fourth of July
eva8*: mosquito babies
mike.irwin: the drowning trees (infrared)
Fla Barbieri (Cokin Girl): Coruja na cidade / Owl in the city
etravus: Reaching for the Sky
eva8*: wildflower and friend
matthiasarni: Clint Dempsey
Fla Barbieri (Cokin Girl): Sombra / Shadow
• peyote: life
M t H: totally stumped