Edricism: My OOTD.
Edricism: Homecooked Crispy Airfried Kailan Chips with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar. Just as nutty and yummy as Kale Chips but at a small fraction of the price!
Edricism: My dearest Mother and Grandmother, circa Christmas 1974 (photo probably printed on January 1975 as dated). Happy Mother's Day!! Today's also your 22nd death anniversary, Mum, but I'll always love and remember you in happier healthier times like this. :hea
Edricism: Some of the used parking coupon sketches that my workshop participants drew on location during the 10-20 minutes exercises.
Edricism: Thank you to Grassroots Bookroom for the wonderful opportunity to conduct my 2nd "Used Parking Coupon Sketches" Workshop, in conjunction with the Singapore Heritage Festival, to Xianhua and Suhuai for your assistance throughout, and also to the lovely par
Edricism: Homemade Airfried Plain Tempeh in Olive Oil, Red Honey Tomatoes, Fresh Avocado Mash, and Honey Baked Ham Wraps.
Edricism: Popped by Grassroots Bookroom where Mr Chia Kwek Fah is having his sketches exhibition and Ah Guo has his illustrated products up for sale. Nice meeting you all today! I'll be conducting a basic sketching workshop on used parking coupons next Wednesday af
Edricism: Found this sweet set of glass bottles with airtight lids and a wooden crate for only S$14.90 at Giant, perfect my first proper batch'a 'bucha in Singapore!
Edricism: The first fizz of my second-fermented Candied Ginger with Tropical Fruits Juice Kombucha. Burp!
Edricism: Homecooked Airfried Crispy Tempeh marinated with Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Sea Salt, Turmeric and Paprika Powders, along with a couple of leftover Fish Tofu cubes.
Edricism: Second-fermentation of my Kombucha with Candied Ginger and Tropical Fruit Juice starts now!
Edricism: Woke up early today and decided to have a Sliced Fish Congee with Egg and extra Minced Pork and Fried Dough Stick breakfast at the market...
Edricism: Feeling peckish at 1:30am and decided to air-fry some Frozen Fish Tofu I had in my freezer. Nice, crispy and tasty after 6mins at 200°C.
Edricism: What's left of my Kombucha SCOBY from the sadly-discarded batch that had proliferated in Japan. I'm glad it's healthy and thriving in this new environment. Grow like a champignon, grow!
Edricism: Finally found a nice comfy home for my Toyol... oops, Kombucha SCOBY, for proper home fermentation! This 5-litre glass drink dispenser and metal stand is only S$9.90 from Giant!
Edricism: Had a delicious and healthy lunch at Lean Bento today, with Scrambled Eggs, Basil Couscous, Sea Salt Salmon, Cherry Tomatoes and Salad, and a refreshing Passionfruit-tinged Iced Green Tea. Yum!!
Edricism: Been a while since I attended a life drawing session, so I decided to join the one this evening at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Model was Jimmy.
Edricism: Been a while since I attended a life drawing session, so I decided to join the one this evening at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Model was Jimmy.
Edricism: Been a while since I attended a life drawing session, so I decided to join the one this evening at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Model was Jimmy.
Edricism: Managed to bring back my Kombucha SCOBY (or rather, a small part of the original one) and glad that it survived the long flight home. Now I just need to find proper vessels and set up a new breeding ground for it.
Edricism: I wrote a song, and today I sang it!
Edricism: Back to the recording studio this morning and got to work together again with old MDC buddies Sumardy and Wenfu on a new song! It's been a while but I really enjoyed it and felt very much at home behind the mike...
Edricism: Yay I have adopted these four new cutie pies Sonny Angels from Umera! Thank you for sending them my way. I shall name them: "Bibi", "Nutty", "Mae", and "Ringo"... 😍
Edricism: Png Kueh (Rice Cake), Orh Kueh (Yam Cake), and Soon Kueh (Bamboo Shoot Cake). Drizzled with Sweet Dark Soya Sauce and Chilli Sauce. S$1.20 each.
Edricism: Visiting my dear late parents... ❀
Edricism: Chicken Rice Paradise...
Edricism: Massive cravings for Roast Pork and Wanton Noodles, majorly satisfied in this combo!
Edricism: Home, physically...
Edricism: Guess who I randomly bumped into at Pudong airport on the way back to Singapore? It's fellow sketcher Chris Ng!!
Edricism: ζ’²ι€šδΈ€δΈ‹εˆ°δΊ†ζ΅¦ζ±...