Greymark: Windows with scaffolding
wjm photography: Eibsee und einmalige Spiegelung_IMG_1263
Dark-Dave: Stained Glass Window DSC_4989
YJ Zhao: puffin
R.McFadyen: D-AIDF Lufthansa - Airbus A321-231
PatriciaNicoloso: Socó-dorminhoco/Black-crowned Night-Heron
airsoftrob1080: SEO over the Fence at Elmley NR.
Jackson6250: Black & White (some red too)
wjm photography: 1A1A2459
R. Engelsman: Tremella mesenterica
wjm photography: Dresden_IMG_9683
airsoftrob1080: Common Snipe on the Ice.
4017amara: Holconia cf. murrayensis (Sparassidae)
Jeanda.60: Blongios_nain_54
Jeanda.60: Martin-pêcheur_472
Jeanda.60: Pouillot fitis_03
Jeanda.60: Combattant varié_20
cirkel der natuur: Kalf bij waterton in weiland
Farang foto: Toxeus, an ant-mimic jumping spider
wjm photography: Frosch-Shooting am Weiher_IMG_8208
Steven Haddix: Pipevine swallowtail
monelly2011: elephant hawk moth caterpillar
wjm photography: Bunter Vogel im Schilf_IMG_9635
wjm photography: Biene auf Necktar suche_IMG_8457
R. Engelsman: Pseudoboletus parasiticus
Andrey Angelov: Manarola
Andrey Angelov: Vernazza
Flickr: 16 Questions about 1 Photo with Anna Kwa
Tim&Elisa: Unknow waterfall near Horseshoe Waterfalls