Eriginal Books: Los poemas del cuerpo
hpskurdal: in the mood for Christmas....
Capitol Hill Cubans: farinasrepress
adriandavidpayne: Me & country artist Buddy Jewell
BRY△N {KÜLOR}: CouchNuke (6 of 10)
Stephen Poff: November 30th 2008 - Inspiration pt5
aphrodaiA: steve buscemi DOES smile!
nina_westervelt: fashion week.
Mr. Mark: monk in courtyard
Mr. Mark: steps to enlightenment
**luisa**: Where are our monks?
joaobambu: The Carpenter´s Hand
wiseacre photo: Get out there
wiseacre photo: He said, "Close your eyes and count to ten..."
wiseacre photo: The Little Me™ Action Figure; fits in your pocket!
wiseacre photo: Through the mouth of your eye through the eye of the needle it's easier for me to get closer to heaven than ever feel whole again
wiseacre photo: Manipulate the situation