Rafi Amar Wildlife Photography: Common Guitarfish - Rhinobatos rhinobatos
François Libert: Blackspotted Puffer, grey variant - Arothron nigropunctatus
Rafi Amar Wildlife Photography: Robust Ghost Pipefish - Solenostomus cyanopterus
FrogfishPhotos: ornateghostpipefish-edited
cclborneo: Gold-spotted Mudskipper (Periophthalmus chrysospilos)
Joey Jojo: Male Spotted Boxfish (Ostracion meleagris)
Robyn Waayers: Thornback Guitarfish, Platyrhinoidis triseriata
corvid01: maple callus borer (Synanthedon acerni)
corvid01: Thyreodon atricolor
Rock and Racehorses: There's a lizard in my gizzard
Beedle Um Bum: Dahlia
Beedle Um Bum: Dahlia
oshcan: The Grey Killer