m. geven: Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
hvhe1: Fire in the sky
NaPix -- (Time out): Good morning
G_Plaza: Puerto Rican Parrot
bewo22: Rayon de soleil
Cimarrón Mayor 19,000.000. VISITAS GRACIAS: 2- La abubilla y su jardin!!!Pocas veces en mi vida habia visto una especie tan simpatica y laboriosa.Aqui la pueden ver asombrada ante la belleza de su jardin!!! Abubilla-Upupa epops-Hoopoe. Tenerife.
hvhe1: Welcome to the New Year!
ricsamanion: inSex scandal
Pat Ulrich: Blustery curlew
bewo22: Tête-à-tête
Alberto3953: llanero'08
bewo22: Gouttes
bewo22: Petite fête entre amis
bewo22: Coccinelle
myshkin: 006
bewo22: Randonnée Reculet / Narderans
Evan Animals: Gorilla Baby Hug Party
Nancy Rose: Happy Feathery Friday flirting
flickrgao: Backcover of Arkansas Wildlife Magazine (May/June 2009) and in a recent book
Joana213: Dove
hvhe1: Colors of Africa
alex.2607: Day 02 Notre Dame Sparrows
Kaarin Vask: Dark clouds
Stevacek: Sunflowers
hvhe1: Bewitched, bothered and bewildered
hvhe1: Seconds from disaster...
Bill Adams: Who Farted?!
sensaos: Kuna girl