Melvin Yue: The pianist
Melvin Yue: Curves
Melvin Yue: Gloomy
Melvin Yue: BnW Monday
Melvin Yue: Selective red
Melvin Yue: Stairways
Melvin Yue: Curves
Melvin Yue: Leading curves
Melvin Yue: The palace
Melvin Yue: Enter
Melvin Yue: Ancient
Melvin Yue: Interlaced
Melvin Yue: Corridor
Melvin Yue: Old & new
Melvin Yue: Palace Ground
Melvin Yue: Details
Melvin Yue: Architecture that withstood the test of time
Melvin Yue: Bygones
Melvin Yue: Showground
Melvin Yue: Locked
Melvin Yue: Steps
Melvin Yue: Funnel
Melvin Yue: A place for education
Melvin Yue: The walk
Melvin Yue: School