melora: Bijou and his Royal Enfield
melora: Y!design team Royal Enfield crew
melora: Girls ride too!
melora: Beautiful metal bikes
melora: Final guys show up
melora: Chai and then we go
melora: Saviour helmet
melora: Dinoop's plastic bike
melora: Ready to ride...
melora: Took a break and a group photo
melora: The General
melora: Pictures at a Banyan Tree
melora: contemplating what it means for a tree to be 400 years old
melora: temple at the Banyan Tree park
melora: 400 yrs old Banyan Tree
melora: beautiful roots
melora: heading to breakfast
melora: color
melora: more color
melora: breakfast finally!
melora: 1943
melora: breakfast
melora: squeezing into small tables
melora: Tangy Semolina
melora: Sweet semolina
melora: coffee in tin cup
melora: Big Bull temple
melora: Entering temple
melora: Relaxing
melora: Innocent invention