portfolium: Using the pencil port (sharpener.)
portfolium: Using the stylus (pencil.)
portfolium: Top cover removed
portfolium: Top cover removed
Matt Cottam: James and Josh and Hololens at CIID
James Tichenor: Weekend lensing #hololens
Plusea: Tool Suite Vest - first prototype
Matt Cottam: Bill Verplank and Maris hanging out in the CIID stairwell.
b_light: Oval-Shouldered Halving Joints
Plusea: Packing: materials
Plusea: Packing: tools
Plusea: Packing: electronics
SparkFunElectronics: Production Boards
b_light: Out in the wild
b_light: Red Bot
b_light: Tuna Bot Anatomy
uday1489: optical1
uday1489: Optical Mushaca Base
uday1489: Optical Mushaca
Plusea: Cat loves ATtiny
brucesflickr: Anticonventional Objects
open hardware summit: Open Hardware Summit 2013 at MIT
open hardware summit: Open Hardware Summit 2013 at MIT
Tom Purves: HomeBrew Cell Phone
Tom Purves: Devices, open, open, shut
Tom Purves: IMG_0218
JulianBleecker: Open Source Cell Phone (Tux Phone)
Plusea: Textile Sensor Demos II
dcuartielles: B the Bee
Nadya Peek: Taylor Dawn and her Mellis speakers