dam: Massimo lecturing
dam: Massimo lecturing
dam: Bug
dam: Drawbot
dam: Looking for light
dam: Classroom
dam: River
dam: Boat detection
dam: Hmm..
dam: In motion
dam: Remote vibration
dam: Telegraph boxes
dam: Cam shaft and popsicle sticks
dam: Servo + mechanism
dam: Stroking the alien
dam: Happy Toy
dam: Feeding jellymelly
dam: Under the rocking chair
dam: Jacob and Massimo
dam: Bill Verplank, Chris Scales, Simona and Isabel
dam: Rocking Chair / Coffee Machine
dam: Working late
dam: Bench
dam: Bench
dam: Message in a Bottle
dam: Jellymelly
dam: On the trail
dam: Memory Jar
dam: Legs
dam: Spice Rack