just.imagine.heaven: Ready for soup supper at church this Ash Wednesday!
just.imagine.heaven: Oops! The yeast went a little crazy today. Because it's snowing outside and it feels colder inside I used hotter water. #pizzadough #lessonsfromtheyeastwhisperer
just.imagine.heaven: Support the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption by purchasing a $1 keychain and get a free frosty every time you visit the restaurant! #wendy's #adoption
just.imagine.heaven: Doesn't everyone love having worms for dessert? #loveourchurchladies #lentsuppers
just.imagine.heaven: At the dentist watching movies on the ceiling!
just.imagine.heaven: My 12yr old I'd doing fancy stuff to my hair.
just.imagine.heaven: Rebecca styled my hair this morning.
just.imagine.heaven: Overflowing pizza dough.
just.imagine.heaven: Beautiful day for a run with gorgeous mountain views!